I found my people.
All have experienced their own path,
Yet deeply shared the same journey felt by all.
From a soul pain so deep,
Escape felt impossible.
A loneliness that seemed unbearable,
A vision of the future so dark,
No light could permeate.
To casual words and smiles exchanged,
A heart deep connection that was unknown
and the promise of a beautiful sunrise when the sun emerges.
I found my people.
Collectively, we can bear others' burdens,
As well as lift each other's dreams and victories.
I found my people.
The people that hear me --
No, really, hear ME,
And do not shudder at my dark thoughts.
Not afraid of the dark thoughts
Because the darkness covers their thoughts, too.
And, as a group, currently engaged in this journey,
Are living witnesses to our ability to plod through
Our unique deep soul pain that we share.
I found my people.
I didn't know they existed.
I thought I was alone but discovered that I am not.
I found my people.
And with them comes a little sense of peace
That I need and love.